A while ago my cousin decided she wanted me to do her nails so of course I was more than happy to do them. They ended up coming out beautifully!
Colors used; China Glaze Coconut Kiss(2 coats), OPI Fiercely Fiona, and a miscellaneous Color Club Blue.
Products Used; Dotting tool, small round brush,and Out The Door Top Coat.
Picture Info; All pictures were taken in artificial light with flash. Only pictures 3 & 4 are shown with top coat.
Hey everyone! I'm back again and back for good ! I've been really busy but I think I've come up with a way to keep up with my school work and with you guys. I'm going to change how I put up posts now. I'm still going to aim for a post every other day but I think I need to do less detailed posts. This way I'll leave all the questions up to you guys when you have them instead of writing millions of paragraphs. It'll be easier for me to quickly log on and post a blog then go back to class work and I might even start queuing posts. Without further ado here is the new set up and some beautiful drag marble nail art. Please tell me what you think about the new setup ! I would love feedback. Enjoy !
Colors used; OPI What's Dune?(1 coat), OPI DS Radiance , OPI Alpine Snow, and OPI Suzi Says Feng Shui.
Products Used; Needle, black acrylic paint, thin striper brush,and Out The Door Top Coat.
Picture Info; All pictures were taken in artificial light with flash. Only picture 4 is shown with top coat.
xo ; Toyomi.
Ugh I'm shocked that I have as many followers as I do now. I just want to say to you all thanks for sticking with me through this process. I am literally so exhausted from school that I barely have time to get on here. Either way lets just proceed with the nail art. Today I decided just to do some simple watermelon nails. When I say these were easy they literally were. I used OPI Hollywood is My Address as a base and then I use black acrylic paint for the seeds, white for the rinds, and a mixture of green for the skin of the watermelon. I used a flat brush for the french tip and just a small brush for the seeds. I really liked this simple nail and everyone else did to. I hope you enjoy !
PS: I got a new camera so picture will better and much more clear.
xo ; Toyomi.
artificial light ; no top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash. |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash. |
Hey everyone. I hope you all had a great week and are having a great weekend. Today I have a beautiful tribal nail that I'm actually quite happy with. This was another mani that I did will I was gone. While I was gone I decided to do the big chop of my nails again because they were getting too long for me to handle. They were so short so I decided to do some nail art that could cover up the whole area of my nail. I decided on tribal. I had been seeing these all over the place so I said hey why not give it try. I'm so happy that I did because it came out great. I used China Glaze Street Chic as a base and then China Glaze Secret Periwinkle and China Glaze Spontaneous as the blue and the purple in the nail desgin. To do the fine details I used black and white acrylic paints. I came up with the designs all on my own and I was really happy with them. I think I wore these for about a week. Anyway you should give this a try. Enjoy !
xo ; Toyomi.
all photos are with top coat in sunlight & no flash.
Hey everyone ! I know I promised a post a while ago but between winter break and my mom's birthday all falling at the same time I spent some well needed time with family and friends. So instead of doing just one boring post I figured that I should do a recap of the things I did while I was gone. Each design I did I was pretty happy with and I feel like I've improved while I was gone. If you have any questions on what colors I used please feel free to ask because it would only be bothersome to list them all now and I'm sure you don't want to read them all. In saying that the first design was inspired by this
video from Robin Moses but mine ended up turning out to be something completely different. I really liked it though ! The next design was one that I came with all on my own. It came out beautifully and I was surprised at myself. The nail art even came out great on the opposite hand.The last one for today was right before Christmas and I figured I should do some candy cane nails. I had no intention on doing these nails but the kids in my school had been putting in requests for these so I eventually ended up doing them. I hope you enjoyed all these designs and please feel free to ask any questions ! Have a beautiful night and day !
PS: I will be hosting a giveaway really soon ! Be on the lookout for that .
PPS: I'm going to go catch up on every single post that I've missed. I will comment on as much a I can !
xo ; Toyomi !
artificial light ; no top cot ; no flash . |
sunlight ; top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; no top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; no top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash . |
I'm going to skip all the excuses & just say that I missed blogging. I'm sorry for the long absence but I'm back and ready to blog full time. Let's just get right down to today's nail art. We had a free day in the school the day after my last post and my friend really wanted nail art like mine. Since she insisted on the same nail art I had I did it but in a different color. I used a no name powder blue polish from Color Club and no name red polish from them also. I used a white striper nail polish and and black striper polish for the details of the rose.She really enjoyed the design and I thought it turned out great. Enjoy !
xo ; Toyomi !
PS: expect another post from tomorrow with a more detailed description. I really just wanted to get a post out here .
artificial light ; no top coat ; no flash . |
artificial light ; top coat ; no flash . |
Good morning everyone ! I hope you are all doing well. Today I just wanted to show you guys another rose mani. Ever since I did my first one I've been slowly improving them! So today's mani will be on the color China Glaze Treehugger. The color itself was beautiful and had been in my untrieds for a while. Anyway I then used Folly by Sinful colors as the base of the rose. Then to fill in the petals I used a white and crimson acrylic paint. Then I just used a dark green acrylic paint to make the leaves. After which I was done , Voila ! This mani turned out awesome and I wore it for about a week. Also if you noticed I cut my nails down. They're really short and I like them at this length. I think this nail art looks great on this length. Well either way enjoy !
xo; Toyomi .
sunlight ; no top coat ; no flash, |
sunlight ; top coat ; no flash . |
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